Uncategorized 毛づくろい 毛づくろい 舐めてるのに何で体が臭くならないんだろう 不思議 Azuki is grooming her paw on the table. Why does she smell so good. That's strange. 2022.09.28 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 視線を感じる え? なんかめっちゃ見られてるけど 何かご要望がありますか? Huh? Azuki is staring at me. Do you have any special requests for me? 2022.09.27 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 秋の気配 朝晩涼しくなってきたから 丸まってた 秋がきたことを猫で感じる It's getting cooler in the morning and evening, so Azuki was curled up. I feel that autu... 2022.09.26 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 横顔 あら、素敵な横顔 ほれてまうやろー! She has a beautiful profile. I can't stand it!!! 2022.09.25 Uncategorized
Uncategorized ぶさかわ ふと見ると めっちゃよく寝てる かわいい!! When I suddenly look, Azuki is sleeping really well. Too adorable!! 2022.09.24 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 催促 かまってちゃん小夏 あ!そろそろご飯の時間か Konatsu wants my attention. Oh! It's time to feed. 2022.09.23 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 食欲の秋 あのー、 最近、食べすぎじゃない? Haven't you been eating too much lately? シャインマスカットのケーキ 食欲の秋だもの Shine Muscat Grape cake. Fall is the be... 2022.09.21 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 癒し この寝顔を見てるだけで疲れが吹っ飛ぶよ Just looking at her sleeping face takes away my fatigue. MAMEIL NAMA CHOCOLATE MACARON 2022.09.20 Uncategorized
Uncategorized のんびりと 台風の被害もなく 今日は一日中のんびり There was no damage from the typhoon, and I was able to relax all day today. 2022.09.19 Uncategorized