Uncategorized 春茶のお腹 今日も豪快な格好の春茶 お腹触り放題 Harucha with a dynamic sleeping position today. I'm happy to touch Harucha's belly. 2022.09.07 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 邪魔しないで 寝顔の写真いただき! I'll take that! あ、みつかった You caught me. 昼寝の邪魔するな!! I'm tired stop taking so many pictures of me! 2022.09.06 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 足の小指 いだぁぁぁーい! 足の小指ぶつけたー Ouch! I stubbed my toe into a corner of the wall. 2022.09.04 Uncategorized
Uncategorized カミナリ カミナリ怖かったなー まだドキドキしてる I was scared of thunder. I'm still pounding. 2022.09.02 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 起こしちゃった? 寝てる!かわいいーーー Azuki is sleeping! Soooooo cute. あ、ごめん 起こしちゃった? Oh, sorry Did I wake you up? 2022.09.01 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 落ち込み中 どーしたの?そんなに落ち込んで さ、たくさん食べて元気出して! I've never seen you so down. What's wrong? Come on. Eat more,and cheer up! 2022.08.31 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 寝てる? ん?起きてる? 何を考え中なのー? Are you awake? What are you thinking about? 2022.08.30 Uncategorized