Uncategorized 自分らしく 自由にのんびり暮らせたらいいよね 無理せず自分を大切に♪ I wish I could live leisurely and freely. I have to take good care of myself without overdo... 2022.07.20 Uncategorized
Uncategorized セミの抜け殻 この暑さの中よく出られるねー I can't believe you can go out in that heat. 階段を登った先に After climbing the stairs, 素敵な場所が There is a nice p... 2022.07.18 Uncategorized
Uncategorized いい子にしてた? どこ行ってたのー? Where did you go? 古き良き時代を感じてきたよ お留守番ありがと♪ I have felt Japan's good old days. Have you been a good girl? 2022.07.17 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 確信犯 スマホを枕にする春茶 Harucha with a smartphone as a pillow. これでスマホ使えないでしょ? You can't use your smartphone with this, right? 2022.07.16 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 小夏の秘密 綺麗好きな小夏 Konatsu is a clean freak. グルーミングしすぎてたまにハゲます She has been grooming herself all day long. So sometimes she is bald... 2022.07.15 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 黄昏れ ふと見ると、 小夏が窓際で黄昏れてた Suddenly, Konatsu was lost in thought by the window. 2022.07.14 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 暑すぎる 今日はすごく暑くなるらしいよ 死にそーーーー I heard it's going to be really hot today. I’m literally dying. 2022.07.13 Uncategorized
Uncategorized くっついとく? ねー、今日エアコン効きすぎてない? 体冷えたら頭痛くなるんだよねー Don't you think the air conditioner is too effective today? I get a headache when my b... 2022.07.12 Uncategorized
Uncategorized そこにいるだけで うちに猫がいるのってやっぱりいいよね♪ It's just wonderful to have a cat in the house. 2022.07.11 Uncategorized