Uncategorized 今日のため息 はぁ~~っ ご飯の時間まだかな… Ha~~a I'm getting tired of waiting for my meal… 2022.08.17 Uncategorized
Uncategorized DAIHATSUウェイク 明日はどこにドライブ行く? Shall we go for a drive together tomorrow? えー!行かないの? Why! can't you go? ちっ、また留守番か Oh, My…I have to stay at... 2022.08.15 Uncategorized
Uncategorized どら焼き 甘さ控えめでめっちゃ美味しかった It was mildly sweet and delicious. そんなにおいしいの? こっちにも早くおやつちょーだい Is it so delicious? Can I have a cat snac... 2022.08.14 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 前足が! それ、右の前足痛くない? Doesn't your right paw hurt? いや、全然痛くないもん! No, it doesn't hurt at all! 2022.08.13 Uncategorized
Uncategorized オニヤンマ 外にトンボいるよー! There is a dragonfly in the garden. ほんとだ! For real? ん? オニヤンマだー!すごー!でかっ! What!? It's Onyanma! Oh my god! So bi... 2022.08.12 Uncategorized
Uncategorized かくれんぼ もういいかい? Ready or not here I come! まぁだだよ! I'm not ready! みーつけた! I see you! 2022.08.10 Uncategorized