Uncategorized You Tube 最近You Tubeに夢中 おかけで運動不足かも けど、おもしろいな We can't stop watching YouTube videos. Maybe we are lacking in exercise. Anyway it's ... 2022.04.21 Uncategorized
Uncategorized お出迎え おかえりー♪ いい子で待ってたよ お土産ある? Hey Sunny. How was your day? I was waiting for you as a good girl. Did you buy a cat snack? 2022.04.20 Uncategorized
Uncategorized お見送り いってらっしゃーい! See you later. ねぇねぇ、こっそりおやつ食べちゃおー Hey, eat a cat snack secretly! それダメだって!! It's no good!! あとの自宅警備は任せて 早く帰ってきて... 2022.04.19 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 没収 はい、スマホ没収 スマホばかり見てないで早く遊ぼうよ 何して遊ぶ? Confiscate your smartphone. Don't just look at your smartphone, Let's play together as... 2022.04.18 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 白いマフラー どう? 上から見たら白いマフラーに見えない? かわいいでしょ?お気に入りなの How do you like it? Doesn't it look like a white muffler when viewed from above? ... 2022.04.17 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 電車ごっこ 電車ごっこ 出発進行ー! 日本の電車はかなり正確だと有名らしい 電車でどこか行きたいな Play train. Let's go! Japanese trains are famous for being fairly accurete. ... 2022.04.16 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 洗濯かご 洗濯かごキターー!! めっちゃ好きなんだよね なぜか入りたくなっちゃう 猫あるあるだってさ Yeeeeeeees! It's a laundry basket. I really like it. I want to go inside. ... 2022.04.15 Uncategorized
Uncategorized こたつ え? もしかしてコタツ片付けちゃうの? やだー、もうちょっと待ってよ Huh?? Isn't it too early to put the Kotatsu away? Noooo! Please wait a little longer.... 2022.04.14 Uncategorized
Uncategorized ツチノコ小夏 さて、何に見えるでしょう? 答えはヘビ ヘビは好き?嫌い? What does this look like? I tried to imitate a anake. Do you like snakes? dislike? 2022.04.13 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 日差し まだ春だよね? この日差し、もう夏みたい ちゃんと、日焼け対策やってる? It's still spring, right? This sunshine is like summer. Are you doing proper sun pr... 2022.04.12 Uncategorized