Uncategorized ぬれぎぬ どうしたの? What’s wrong? 春茶にやられたー I was hit by Harucha. え?何もしてないよ Not me. ちっ!バレたか… Damn it! 2022.11.16 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 眩しい くつろぐ小夏と春茶 Konatsu and Harucha are relaxing. カーテンの向こうから光が… Light shines through the curtain… 眩しかったらしい It seems that it wa... 2022.11.15 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 今日の幸せ 笑ってるように見える いい寝顔 You look like you're smiling. Your sleeping face makes me happy. 2022.11.14 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 独り言 明日は雨らしい 何しようかな… It seems it's gonna be raining tomorrow. What should I do tomorrow... 2022.11.12 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 早い物勝ち! あ!やられたー んもー、定位置とられた You got me! Ugh, they took my seat. 2022.11.11 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 反響現象 ふぁぁぁ〜〜 眠い あくびはどうしてうつるんだろうか? Yawn∼∼ I’m very sleepy. Why is yawning so catching? 2022.11.10 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 窓際族 あぁぁぁぁぁ、窓際の陽だまり最高! 暖かいところ見つけるの得意だよね Ahh... feels good, right? You're really good at finding sunny spots. 2022.11.09 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 物思う秋 物思いにふける春茶 揃えた前足がかわいい Harucha is lost in thought. The aligned front paws are cute. 2022.11.08 Uncategorized