Uncategorized 遠近法 大きさが違うのは遠近法だよね? The difference in size is perspective, right? 2022.10.13 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 孤高の小夏 ひとりでいることが好きみたい だけど、実はめっちゃ甘えん坊 ギャップ萌え It seems like her like being alone. However, She is such a baby. I have a MOE GAP c... 2022.10.08 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 健康第一 カラダとココロはリンクしてる 体調が悪いと心も荒んでくる 健康であることがどんなに素晴らしいことか There is a link between mental and physical health. When my physical c... 2022.09.30 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 催促 かまってちゃん小夏 あ!そろそろご飯の時間か Konatsu wants my attention. Oh! It's time to feed. 2022.09.23 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 食欲の秋 あのー、 最近、食べすぎじゃない? Haven't you been eating too much lately? シャインマスカットのケーキ 食欲の秋だもの Shine Muscat Grape cake. Fall is the be... 2022.09.21 Uncategorized
Uncategorized のんびりと 台風の被害もなく 今日は一日中のんびり There was no damage from the typhoon, and I was able to relax all day today. 2022.09.19 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 怖がりな小夏 台風が近づいてますね 被害がありませんように A typhoon is approaching. I hope that the typhoon will not cause damage. 2022.09.18 Uncategorized