Uncategorized 小夏の勝ち! まだー? 待ちくたびれたよ Not yet? I'm getting tired of waiting. 絶対譲らない!! I can’t move!! 2022.12.12 Uncategorized
Uncategorized やめて! 気持ちよさそうに寝てるー さわりたーーーい Harucha is sleeping like a baby. I want to touch. あぁん? 寝てる邪魔しないで!! Ahh? Don't disturb me sleeping!... 2022.11.28 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 実は仲良し 2階にいる秋月を気にする春茶 Harucha worries about Akizuki on the second floor. 2022.11.24 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 明日は雨 明日は雨かー 何しようかな It's going to rain tomorrow. What should we do tomorrow? 2022.11.22 Uncategorized
Uncategorized ぬれぎぬ どうしたの? What’s wrong? 春茶にやられたー I was hit by Harucha. え?何もしてないよ Not me. ちっ!バレたか… Damn it! 2022.11.16 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 早い物勝ち! あ!やられたー んもー、定位置とられた You got me! Ugh, they took my seat. 2022.11.11 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 物思う秋 物思いにふける春茶 揃えた前足がかわいい Harucha is lost in thought. The aligned front paws are cute. 2022.11.08 Uncategorized